They Should Be.


The management consultant, educator, and author Peter Drucker has been quoted as saying,

Culture eats strategy for breakfast. 

What does this mean? It means that 2/3 of companies lose significant business value because of the misalignment between their strategy and culture. The way that your company operates has both an internal and an external component. If your employees aren't living and breathing your brand value, you are missing a critical opportunity to maintain and grow your market share.


In fact, CEO’s and company leaders are in desperate need for ways to address this problem. 72% of CEOs say that corporate culture is critical to business performance. But only 32% say their culture and strategy are aligned for business success.

Forward-looking leaders are making culture-strategy alignment a top priority. They know there is substantial business value in doing so.  

  • It’s a “must” to synch all assets & capabilities to strategy.
  • Culture and brand are critical for creating sustained competitive advantage.
  • Getting culture and strategy in lockstep will multiply their team's energy and impact.

The Solution

Questfire partners with forward-looking CPA firms who actively seek to bring more to their clients. These CPA firms:

  • Realize that smart controls & risk management are only part of the formula for helping their clients succeed
  • Know clients need proven, expert advice for maximizing value creation from their intangible assets 
  • Seek creative ways to help clients win