We tackle the root causes that torpedo organizational growth and productivity

Strategy, Leadership + Culture misalignment

Culture, Brand, + Customer Experience misalignment

Strategy & Organizational Shifts

We help develop brands and organizations that matter — by igniting the energy, talent, and imagination of a workforce driven to make its mark.


Corporate re-stages

Strategy workshops

Mission, Vision, Values development

Cultural assessment

People practices “key log” audits



Strategy-Leadership synchronization

Leadership team development

Executive coaching

Cultural change

Leadership transition


Brand promise & positioning

Consumer research & insights

Voice of customer research

Customer journey mapping

Brand architecture & portfolio strategy

Our Work

Developing a stronger brand to improve organizational effectiveness 

A small commercial real estate management & development company sought to improve the way it operated and performed as an organization. Questfire’s work focused on the strengthening the company in two inter-related ways:

  1. Strengthen more fully the corporate brand, and

  2. Improve organizational effectiveness.

Our work synched the “internal with the external” to strengthen brand-building, and linked “purpose with pragmatics” to improve organizational effectiveness.

Using culture and brand to propel a dramatic upshift in business strategy

A large, $2B multi-state retailer sought to upshift its strategy – altering its business model, geographic reach, customer base, and competitive set.   Externally, a current Questfire partner in a previous role focused on re-positioning the brand and re-imagining the customer experience.  Internally, a new Mission, Vision, Values, and Corporate Brand was created to synch internal beliefs, behaviors, and language – from corporate to the front-line – to this business transformation. Internal training and communications programs were created to drive change on a day-to-day basis.  This work was a launching pad as the company has grown nearly 5x.  

Re-defining customers’ service experience to drive profitable sales growth

A large national insurance company sought to innovate how its broker channel served small to mid-sized businesses. A current Questfire partner in a previous role conceptualized design ideas across a spectrum of customer need states, finally identifying service design ideas for the channel to roll-out to its customer base. Piloted in a handful of markets, the service re-design program proved so successful that it became company standard.



Photo by fatchoi/iStock / Getty Images

Revitalizing a storied brand and distinct company culture 

A mid-sized apparel company’s success had been fueled for many years by a strong internal culture and a distinct set of brands.  However, its future success was now being threatened by a number of growing internal tensions – from silos to a transition in the workforce. Questfire’s initial work focused on charting a strategic path forward – with a research-driven update to Mission, Vision, and Values.  Then we focused on two keys for long-term success:

  1.  Develop a leadership development program to drive alignment and process changes amongst leadership, and

  2. Develop people/HR practices to integrate change fully within the organization.